woensdag 31 augustus 2011

Prague Shakuhachi Festival 2011

Here is the first of some more posts about this festival. They are not all about the festival, but are all related to my experiences there about different shakuhachi related topics! First some pictures of Prague and the festival itself to feel some of how it was. It was marvelous by the way. I have enjoyed it a lot. The city is lovely, the venue very nice and the people...Well see for your self.

Ro Buki

Class setting with Christopher Blasdel

Tea time

The famous bridge

Student Concert, Jim Franklin's piece "Dawn"

Sakai Shyodo and others listening to students performing

zaterdag 20 augustus 2011

zondag 14 augustus 2011

Workshop with Justin Senryu

Playing the piece

A few weeks ago I attended a very nice workshop with the friendly shakuhachi master: Justin Senryu.
The workshop was held in Leiden at Kees Kort's his house and was well attended. We studie two different but nice pieces: Shizu and Fudaiken Shirabe there. 
Listening to the explanations

Justin is and was travelling around Europe to visit several places. He is also going to the Shakuhachi camp end of August in Prague. There I will go as well to play some more and meet other shakuhachionado's.

woensdag 10 augustus 2011


I have taking up my other interest more then shakuhachi lately which is painting. A while ago I posted my first self portrait. Now I have a site dedicated to the painting I do. It is mostly in oils. Just as with the shakuhachi, painting is a journey into unknown territory. Everytime you seem to learn something else, something new. Sometimes you make nice paintings and other times it won't work. See the similarity with playing the flute? I do, and that's what makes it interesting too! In both there is a thing of beauty or soul which is hard to grasp or understand in a rational manner. It is a thing which can only be sensed or experienced. See more of my works at www.basnijenhuis.com which is the site I mentioned.